Posts by clairestanley
Changes for St. Jacobs ABC
Happy New Year valued partners. As we move into the new decade, I like to reflect on the past decade as well as peek into the future. One thing we are sure to notice is tremendous change. Change in our industry, change in goals, change in our lives… change is all around us. At the…
Read MoreDenver Dances on the Big Stage
Vandoskes Denver Cami-ET made a name for herself and her young owners at the International Junior Holstein Show… After topping her winter calf class, she was named Reserve Junior Champion for her junior owners, Brianne, Brooklyn & Reid Vandoske. Later on in the week, after a change of ownership to Quality, Beckridge, Agriber, & Wright,…
Read MoreCrush Wins Big in Madison
Blexys Crush Budweiser-ET Named Reserve Junior Champion The Crush daughter of 2017 Supreme Champion Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET won her winter calf class of 50 entries at the 2019 International Holstein Show and then went on to win Reserve Junior Champion honors for her owners Budjon, Vail, Abbot, Van Exel & Woodmansee
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